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Statewide Testing Resources

Required Student Assessment Testing

Required Student Assessment Testing

PCACV, along with thousands of schools across California, participates in state accountability testing known as the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress, or CAASPP. Students in grades 3 to 8 and grade 11 are expected to participate during the spring testing window. We want to show the state what our students know and show that our students are making progress toward their learning goals.

Additionally, we test our students in grades 2 through 12 three times per year using the EdPerformance Test. This is an online computer-generated test, proctored by a teacher, that is extremely useful in helping our teachers more deeply understand your child's unique strengths and areas of struggle. This program gives you and your child's teacher nearly instant feedback on reading and math skills, the essential cornerstones of any student's education. The EdPerformance test is scheduled individually, small group or done during classes.

Start Practice Test

Take the Practice Test. First Look at new Assessment. Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium